Tokyo College Event “The Role of Education and Science in the Digital Age”
Monday, March 17, 2025  15:00-16:30
東京カレッジイベント 「デジタル時代の教育と科学の役割」

Registration Form

Please register by filling out the items below.
An automated registration confirmation mail will be sent to the email account you list.
If you do not receive that email within one day of sending the registration form, an error may have occurred, so please register again.


*Required field. 必須項目
1. Family Name セイ(日本語入力の場合はカタカナで入力してください) *

2. Given Name メイ(日本語入力の場合はカタカナで入力してください) *

3. Affiliation ご所属

4. Contact E-mail Address 連絡先E-mailアドレス *

(Please retype for confirmation. 確認用:再入力してください)

5. 講演者に質問がある方はご記入ください。進行の参考にさせていただきます。(100字以内)
Please indicate if you have any questions for speakers. We will reference them during the event proceedings.(Maximum 100 characters)

6. Please check if you would NOT like to subscribe to the Tokyo College Mail Magazine.
7. 主催元である東京大学国際高等研究所東京カレッジは、お申込みの皆様の個人情報を収集させていただきますが、この情報は主催・共催(東京大学国際高等研究所東京カレッジ、ドイツ日本研究所、河出書房新社)元以外のいかなる第三者にも開示いたしません。ご記入いただいた個人情報は、主催・共催元からメールによるイベントの案内、連絡等に利用する場合があります。


Tokyo College (University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Study), the organizer of this event, collects personal information from all attendees, but this information will not be disclosed to any third parties except for its co-organizers: German Institute for Japanese Studies and Kawade Shobo Shinsha. The personal information provided may be used by the event organizer or co-organizers to send email notifications about the event and information about our current and future activities.

Cameras will be present inside the venue, including the audience area, and there is a possibility that the audience may be captured on film. The recorded footage and photos may be used for broadcasting, distribution, reproduction, etc. Please be aware of this in advance.