We would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us to answer the below questionnaire.

* : Required Items
Name of organization *

Nature of business (Please check the applicable box – may be more than one if necessary) *
Title (position)

Name of the person to be represented in JATA membership *
first middle last
e-mail(Reprensentative) *

(Please fill in again for confirmation.)

Year of establishment
. ,
Amount of capital, equivalent toUS$(if applicable)

Country *

Address *
Bldg., Street (e.g. Nihon Bldg., 1-2-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku)
City, Postal code (e.g. Tokyo 100-0013)
Phone *


Number of employees *

Affiliation with Associations (Please check the applicable box)
Features of your organization(Alphanumeric characters only)
Regulations of Overseas Allied Members